Hello Everyone! As I gear up to film for a second season, I’m starting to broaden my exposure this time, focusing on the Northern Triangle country of El Salvador. My goal is to produce at least, extended episodes that showcase the vibrancy of this country that is making a determined effort to improve its economy. If funds permit this year, I would also like to explore Honduras as well as the Caribbean island of Roatan (Part of Honduras). I had the pleasure of visiting Roatan prior to Covid and absolutely fell in love with the islands charms. Who knew there were islands in the Western Caribbean?
As I gear up to navigate and explore El Salvador by car, I have been doing preliminary research about the infrastructure, government, commerce and tourism. A few months prior, the newly-installed president of El Salvador visited Turkey and met with the President of that country. Both presidents signed agreements that foster enhanced dialogue, trade and of course how each can encourage business development. Turkey reciprocated with the idea of eventually opening an embassy in the capital of San Salvador.
Meanwhile in Guatemala, on the outskirts of Antigua where I filmed episode three, I continue to remain in good contact with the wonderful staff at Casa Muriel. Since that episode, the assistive living center/home has embraced the finer elements of creating a holistic and very worthy and inviting environment. When I was filming, the grand housing complex had only been open three days prior when we were filming. From what I can see, the place exudes warmth and good vibes.

Casa Muriel Staff
Speaking of, the dedicated employees at Casa Muriel are nothing short of world-class. They are near, if not spot-on par with that of a developed assistive/graduated care facility. Owner Lori Shey who developed Casa Muriel (named after her mother) explains that it is new in Central America. There are lots of learning opportunities and the newly hired staff are optimistic this concept will only grow over time. That’s the staff photo at the December 2021 Christmas party.
A recent hire includes a gerontologist-psychologist that looks out for the mental wellness of all its residents. It is new employees such as these that encapsulates how Casa Muriel’s approach to Senior Living is not simply comfortable, but rather, exemplar.
Last February 2022, the area surrounding Antigua and Guatemala City experienced a reminder that all residents live in an active seismic zone. An earthquake which originally registered 6.8 (eventually downgraded to 6.1) and was centered not far from the regional city of Escuintla. It’s a not-so-subtle reminder that newer housing and commercial development need to employ most current building regulations that emphasize sturdy protection against earthquake damage. Most inhabitants mental psyche was the only jarring evidence, but one must remain vigilant on what to do during these periodic tremors.
If you are subscribed to my YouTube channel, once I’ve completed filming and editing Surfing in El Salvador, you will be the first to see the episode. I’m hoping to get to the beach communities of El Tunco, El Zonte in addition to the capitol city of San Salvador. Wish me good luck for some incredible Salvadoran scenery!